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About me

In Memory of Micah Gregg


     As I said before, my name is Renee. Im 38, and live in Ohio. I've felt very bad for not up-dating this site:( I hope ya'll can forgive me!)
    I met Micah on February 2, 1998, my first day @ Ben Logan. I was in 8th grade. He was in my Science class. He was soo sweet and kind, that's where our friendship began.
   Then once we got into HS, He was in my Team Time class. Which made it Awesome, he was SOOO nice, not to just me BUT to everyone!!! I remember alot of things, in the years between my 8th grade and 10th grade yr. I know I hadn't known him as long as alot of people did, BUT I did consider him my friend, Someone who was sweet and caring. That's WHY I made this site. I realized the age old saying, you don't know what you've got till it's gone! I wish that Micah and I talked more. And sometimes I feel even closer to him now, closer than I was when he was with us. Although, I know that's the feeling an Angel gives you!!!! If you ever wanna talk about Anything, whatever it may be, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Before I go, I just want to tell you, please treasure your family, freinds, loved ones. Because you never know when their name will be whispered.


I hope you have a nice day!!




You can reach me at reneelynn8302@gmail.com


Copyrighted by: Renee H.